Forthcoming Events

Regular services are listed on the Worship Page


7:30pm Fri 7th February
An evening with Dave Dunbar

Friday 7th February 2025 7:30pm. Lane End Village Hall.  Tickets £ 15.00.  Includes a Fish and Chip Supper. Bring you own drink.  Contact Sheila for tickets.
Sheila email: Tel: 01494 882437

8:00pm Mon 10th February

You are all invited to join Holy Trinity Book Club. Everyone is welcome to join in. Just contact Jo on and you will be provided with the Zoom invitation link.

7:30pm Sat 15th February
Big Sleepout Wycombe Homeless Connection

7:30pm Tue 25th February

The SHED CLUB GROUP, a social meeting point and fund raiser for Holy Trinity Church has restarted, by popular request, for friends of Holy Trinity Church.  It meets on the last Tuesday of the month, 7:30pm for 8:00pm. 
Pauline Cavell-Northam 881552

2:30pm Wed 26th February

St Mary’s Guild is a Christian Group for ladies meeting on the last Wednesday in each month at 2.30 pm in Sycamore Room, Lane End Village Hall, for Talks, Outings and Fellowship. All welcome.
Pauline Cavell-Northam 881552

2:00pm Fri 28th February
WHIST in the Village Hall

There is a regular Whist Drive which takes place on the final Friday of each month at 2.00 pm in Lane End Village Hall. All are welcome. No reservation needed; this is a fun evening; just turn up to enjoy good company. We are a very friendly group and always welcome new players. Experience not necessary! Only £ 3.50 per session.
Sheila Keatinge 01494 882437

7:15pm Fri 28th February
The Moth Hour at Cadmore End Village Hall

The Moth was founded in 1997 by poet and novelist George Dawes Green, who wanted to recreate the feeling of sultry summer evenings in his native Georgia, when moths are attracted to the light on the porch where he and his friends would gather to spin spellbinding tales.  There are only 2 rules: the stories must be live, and they must be true.  They are usually quite short 10-15 minutes, with an interval & light refreshments.  The retiring offering is in aid of St Mary le Moor Nave Roof Project.

10:00am Sat 1st March
Lane End Litter Magnets

Calling all Lane Enders!  Come and join in our Community Litter Pick.  1st Saturday of each month.  Meet in the Doctors Surgery Car Park at 9:50am for a 10:00am start.  Note we only pick litter for an hour.  All Litter Picking Equipment provided.  Under 14s must be accompanied by and adult.  Once their chart is complete they will win an award kindly donated by UK Mats.

3:30pm Mon 3rd March
Contemplative Prayer Group

The Contemplative Prayer Group meets at 3.30pm on the first Monday of every month at Kensham Farms - all are welcome, do please email or call Elly if you would like to join on 01494 267149 or A format of welcome, gospel reading, silence, discussion on the text and further silence is followed by prayer.   
Elly Horne 01494 267149 or

7:00pm Tue 4th March
Pancake Party

at St Peter and St Paul, Stokenchurch