Baptism, or Christening as it is also called, is the way in which we join the Christian Church, and celebrate what God promises for each individual. As such it is a very significant event in the life of anyone, whether a baby, a child or an adult.
At the Baptism Service promises and declarations are made by those being baptised, or by their Parents and Godparents on their behalf. Godparents must be baptised persons.
Holy Trinity welcomes anyone living in, or with a strong connection to, the Parish who presents themselves or their children for Baptism.
For young people and adults the normal practice is to attend a series of confirmation classes prior to Baptism. These courses are usually run on an annual basis.
Where babies or children are presented for Baptism, the parents will be visited and will normally be asked to attend a Sunday Service before the Baptism date to familiarise themselves with the church.
The Baptism will take place normally at the service of public worship on the fourth Sunday of the month or at a different Sunday morning service by arrangement with the Priest.
At the Baptism service the congregation on behalf of the Parish and the whole church promises to welcome and nurture those being baptised. The Parish takes this promise seriously, and will be keen to ensure that support in spiritual matters is always available.
And best of all the Church claims for those who are baptised that:
"God has touched you with his love and given you a place among his people. God promises to be with you in joy and sorrow, to be your guide in life, and to bring you safely to heaven."
There are no fees payable for Baptism.
For further infomation about Baptism at Holy Trinity please contact .......... Clare Bantick. Team Parish Administrator. South Chiltern Team Ministry. Tel 01494 854045. email ............ Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 to 12:00