Photo Gallery
Alot goes on in our church and community. Click 'more' under the events below to see and read about what has been happening:
2017 Messy Easter -
April 26th Messy Easter - A very successful Messy Easter again at the Village Hall. Activities included; Blowing footprint bubbles; Marbled donkeys, psalm leaves & eggs; Easter garden; Stained glass cross; Easter baskets. Some really fun messy activities. The next messy event is Messy Christmas on 26th November 2017.
Stations of the Cross - Margaret Scott painted 12 pictures of the Stations of the Cross which are on display in our church during Lent.
2016 October 13th Bishop Steven's Welcome Service - A group of us attended a welcome service for the new Bishop of Oxford, Steven Croft in All Saints Parish Church High Wycombe.
2016 September 25th Harvest Lunch -
2016 September 7th Farewell tea for Izumi - A farewell tea gathering for Dr Izumi Otani, returning to Japan after spending several months in Lane End.
2016 August 21st Kensham Farm Tea in the Garden - Delicious cakes made this sunny afternoon even better!
2016 July 4th Fete Day Flowers for the Queen's 90th Birthday - A beautiful display of flowers in the church for the Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations.
Garden Party June 2016 - A slightly inclement, but no less enjoyable garden party.
2016: May 22nd Rev Robert Jennings' Leaving Lunch -
2016 May 22nd Robert Jennings' final service - On 22nd May we bid farewell to the Rev Robert Jennings with a final celebration Eucharist and presentations for his long service to Holy Trinity.
2016 March 26th Messy Easter - The Village Hall was full again for another successful Messy Easter. The children's feet were painted and they made footprints across the hall. Their feet were washed just as Jesus's feet were washed. A real Messy fun activity.
2015: April 5th Easter Sunday -
2012: June 10th Jubilee Picnic - Flags, food and fun made this celebratory event a hit.
2011: October Friends' Lunch -
2011: September 25th Harvest Lunch -
2011 June Kensham Farm Lunch -
2011 Skittles Evening - One of our regular skittles evenings in the Village Hall.
Christingle 2010 -
Snowy Christmas Eve saw over 200 visitors to this Service.
Garden Party 2010 - We were blessed with balmy weather in August 2010 for our church tea party at Rances when some
Church Bell Ringers - 2010's annual bell ringers' outing saw us head for Wells Cathedral via smaller churches en route and to Glastonbury before heading home.